American Foundation for Children with AIDS – Livestock for Orphans

by Tinashe Kaseke

  • $9,776.00

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  • $0.00

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, Zimbabwe

Tinashe Kaseke

204 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

The project provides funds to purchase goats, chickens, sheep, pigs and/or rabbits for children affected/infected by HIV/AIDS. The children and guardians will receive training in husbandry and basic veterinary skills, and seeds for gardens. The Foundation plans to and bees and bee training to the project, giving the families a new avenue for an income and a nutritional sweetener. Each family also receives a water filter and solar light.

AFCA makes resources available to caregivers of orphaned children in order to support their efforts at building their capacity to sustain the kids in their care. Through the provision of small livestock, infrastructural needs, training, and seeds, the project allows the children’s nutritional levels to improve. The project also help the children to become self-sufficient, as they learn the skills of gardening and livestock rearing.

Children who need good, nutritious food will receive it, allowing them to do better in school and to become healthier. Livelihoods programs will allow their caregivers to maintain a better level of income, becoming self-sustaining in the long term. Between the education the children receive and the training they receive a they help raise animals, they gain incredibly important skills that will last them a lifetime, helping them break out of the cycle of poverty.